


 1.《教育技术与社会》Educational Technology & Society
2.《C理论多媒体》Ctheory Multimedia

3.《英国教育技术学》British Journal of Educational Technology

4.《教育技术学评论》Educational Technology Review
5.《国际e-Learning杂志》International Journal on e-Learning (IJEL)
6.《数学与自然科学教学中的计算机应用杂志》Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching (JCMST)
7.《交互式学习研究杂志》Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR)
8.《教育多媒体与超媒体杂志》Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH)
9.《技术与教师教育杂志》Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (JTATE)
10.《儿童教育中的信息技术》Information Technology in Childhood Education (ITCE) Annual
11.《技术与教师教育当代问题》Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE)

12.《教学科学——学习与认知国际杂志》Instructional Science ——An International Journal of Learning and Cognition

13.《指导实践的远程教育研究评论季刊》Quarterly Review of Distance Education Research That Guides Practice

15.《教育中的技术基准THE杂志》T.H.E (Technological Horizons in Education) Journal
16.《学院与大学媒体评论——对实践、趋势与研究的展望》College & University Media Review: A Look at Practices, Trends & Research
17.《国际杂志》An International Journal
18.《人-机交互》Human-Computer Interaction
19.《教学媒体国际杂志》International Journal of Instructional Media
20.《互联网与高等教育——后中等教育中的创新评论季刊》The Internet and Higher Education—A Quarterly Review of Innovations in Post-Secondary Education

21.《远程教育杂志》Journal of Distance Education
22.《技术与学习》Technology & Learning
23.《THE杂志》T.H.E Journal


25.《模拟与游戏》Simulation & Gaming
26.《教育中的交互媒体杂志》Journal of Interactive Media in Education

27.《领导与新技术社区在线杂志》The online Journal of the Leadership and the New Technologies Community
28.《学习与基于技术的引领》Learning & Leading with Technology
29.《教育技术学名人录》Who is Who in Instructional Technology
30.《多媒体学校MMS》MultiMedia Schools (MMS)
31.《教育技术学杂志》The Educational Technology Journal

32.《技术与学习在线杂志》Technology and Learning Online

33.《Hands On》Hands On
34.《澳大利亚教育技术学杂志》Australian Journal of Educational Technology
http://www. ascilite.au/ajet/ajet.html
35.《信息、传播与社会》Information, Communication & Society

36.《教育中的人工智能国际杂志》International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education

37.《基于计算机的通信杂志》Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication


38.《技术教育杂志》Journal of Technology Education


39.《Techne:哲学与技术学会杂志》Techne: Journal of the Society for Philosophy and Technology
http://scholar. lib.vt.edu/ejournals/SPT/spt.html
40.《远程教育与传播在线杂志》The Online Chronicle of Distance Education and Communication


41.《设计与技术教育杂志》The Magazine of Design & Technology Education

42.《美国远程教育杂志》The American Journal of Distance Education

43.《远程教育导读》Readings in Distance Education


44.《教育技术与社会》Educational Technology & Society


45.《Elearn杂志》Elearn Magazine

46.《交互在线》Interactions Online
. org/interactions/
47.《非同步学习网络杂志》Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks
48.《网络杂志——互联网技术、应用及其问题》WebNet Journal: Internet Technologies, Applications and Issues
49.《国际教育技术学杂志》International Journal of Educational Technology

50.《爱达荷州立大学教育技术整合电子杂志》Electronic Journal for the Integration of Technology in Education Idaho State University


  1.2 1 世 纪 报 英 语 教 学 网
IJET is a new international refereed journal in the field of educational technology, sponsored by faculty, staff, and students at The Graduate School of Education at the University of Western Australia and the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. IJET is published online twice each year and is available without an access charge.
the American Journal of Distance Education

《澳大利亚教育技术学月刊》Australian Journal of Educational Technology
Electronic Journals in the Field of Education: To the best of our ability to discern, we have included only links to electronic journals that are scholarly, peer-reviewed, full text and accessible without cost. We have excluded professional magazines that are largely not refereed, and commercial journals that may only allow access to a very limited number of articles as an enticement to buy.
6.英国教育技术学杂志(British Journal of Educational Technology )
英国教育技术杂志是在线杂志 英国
Elearning杂志:e-learning is a magazine serving up in-depth articles and expert opinions on essential e-learning content, technology, and services. Useful for users and implementers in the enterprise, government, and higher education sectors.
8.Open Learning

10.Instructional Technology Research Online (InTRO)

11.交互式教育多媒体 Interactive Educational Multimedia
交互式教育多媒体:Interactive Educational Multimedia is a journal intended as a space for dialogue and reflection about the application of the multimedia technologies in education. The publication is interested in articles related to research into the educational aspects of multimedia technologies in all its facets: implementation and design of materials, teaching and learning, experiences, etc.

12.The Journal of Computing in Higher Education
The Journal of Computing in Higher Education

The e-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology (e-JIST) is an International peer-reviewed electronic journal. The Journal is an multi-faceted publication with content likely to be of interest to policy makers, managers, investors, professional staff, technical staff, and academics within education and training.

Educational Technology Review (ETR), originally a print journal, has been transformed into an online publication to not only increase timeliness of content but also to enhance every issue with the current and future electronic resources and tools available on the AACE website.

The Journal of the Learning Sciences:A cognitive science journal providing a multidisciplinary forum for the presentation and discussion of important ideas that can change out understanding of learning and teaching.

16.Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication(JCMC)
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication(JCMC) 基于计算机的传播杂志,以计算机为中介传播杂志
17.Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation
Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation (PARE) is an on-line journal published by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation (ERIC/AE) and the Department of Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation at the University of Maryland, College Park. Its purpose is to provide education professionals access to refereed articles that can have a positive impact on assessment, research, evaluation, and teaching practice, especially at the local education agency (LEA) level.
18.Journal of Educational Technology (JET)
Journal of Educational Technology (JET)

Ronald J. Chenail, Ph.D.主编的(The Qualitative Report )《定性分析报告》是在线刊物

The Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment (JTLA) is a peer-reviewed, scholarly on-line journal. The JTLA was established in response to a growing interest in the intersection of computer-based technology, learning, and assessment. The JTLA provides an interdisciplinary forum where initiatives that combine technology, learning theory, and assessment are shared. The JTLA is housed jointly in the Technology and Assessment Study Collaborative (inTASC) and the Center for the Study of Testing, Evaluation and Educational Policy (CSTEEP) at Boston College.

21.Performance Improvement Quarterly
《绩效促进季刊》Performance Improvement Quarterly

Directory of Open Access Journals

23.在线行为杂志(The Journal of Online Behavior (JOB) )
JOB) is concerned with the empirical study of human behavior in the online environment, and with the impact of evolving communication and information technology upon individuals, groups, organizations, and society. It is a peer-reviewed, behavioral science/social science journal, with editorial board members from several countries and disciplinary affiliations. The journal is published electronically on the World Wide Web, and in printed form. Each article published on the Web will be accompanied by an interactive discussion space, a pointer to which will accompany the article site. Significant comments from discussions may accompany the paper publication.

24.教育技术与社会(Educational Technology & Society)
教育技术与社会杂志有两个杂志,即Journal of International Forum of Educational Technology & Society和IEEE Learning Technology Task Force

25.《远程教育期刊》(Journal of Distance Education)

26.Distance Education

PCWorld is the Web's trusted resource for management-level buyers and users of computer products, reaching an average of 1.5 million unique visitors per month (netScore, January 2002 - June 2002). The site offers quick access to authoritative reviews of computer products, the most current product pricing information, continuously updated news, an extensive library of carefully evaluated freeware and shareware, interactive tools, and free newsletters.


Australian Journal of Educational Technology (AJETAJET) - a refereed academic journal publishing research and review articles in educational technology, instructional design, educational applications of computer technologies, educational telecommunications and related areas. British Journal of Educational Technology (BJETBJET) - provides readers with the widest possible coverage of developments in international educational and training technology. Subscription required. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (CJLTCJLT) - a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal published 3 times annually by AMTECAMTEC. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) - international, peer-reviewed journal which leads the field in its total dedication to all matters associated with the use of computers in language learning (L1 and L2). It provides a forum to discuss the discoveries in the field and to exchange experience and information about existing techniques. Computers & Education - journal discussing the educational aspects of computers. Computers in the Schools - articles emphasize the practical aspect of any application, but also tie theory to practice, relate present accomplishments to past efforts and future trends, identify conclusions and their implications, and discuss the theoretical and philosophical basis for the application. Educational Technology and Society - a quarterly journal which seeks academic articles on the issues affecting the developers of educational systems and educators who implement and manage such systems. Educational Technology Review - publication which is designed to provide a multi-disciplinary forum to present and discuss all aspects of educational technology in all learning environments. From Now On (FNOFNO) - journal on educational technology for engaged learning and literacy. Interactions - termly electronic journal of the Educational Technology Service at the University of Warwick. This web-based publication aims to keep staff informed about teaching and learning technology methods, media, support and innovation going on... Interactive Educational Multimedia - journal intended as a space for dialogue and reflection about the application of the multimedia technologies in education. International Journal of Instructional Media - focuses on quality research and presents articles about ongoing programs in instructional media and education. International Journal of Technology and Design Education - ...encouraging research and development in any aspect of technology and design education... Interpersonal Computing and Technology Journal (IPCT-JIPCT-J) - focus is on computer-mediated communication, and the pedagogical issues surrounding the use of computers and technology in educational settings. Journal of Computing in Higher Education - publishes peer-reviewed essays, reviews, reports, and research articles that contribute to our understanding of the issues, problems, and research associated with instructional technology and educational environments. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education - a refereed journal published quarterly by the Special Interest Group for Teacher Educators (SIGTESIGTE) of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTEISTE). The journal provides a forum for sharing information among departments, schools, and colleges of education that are confronting the issues associated with providing computer and technology education for preservice and inservice teachers. Journal of Educational Computing Research - a refereed journal discussing the use of computer-based technologies at all levels of the formal education system, business and industry, home-schooling, lifelong learning and unintentional learning environments. Journal of Educational Media - aim is to stimulate and represent international and interdisciplinary discussion in the field with a particular focus on research contributing to practice and practical experiences with media in education. Journal of Instructional Science and Technology (JIST) - international peer reviewed journal on instructional technology. Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILRJILR) - publishes papers related to the underlying theory, design, implementation, effectiveness, and impact on education and training of interactive learning environments. Journal of Interactive Media in Education (JIME) - publication discussing interactive media in education. Journal of Research on Technology in Education - publishes articles that report on original research, system or project descriptions and evaluations, syntheses of the literature, assessments of the state of the art, and theoretical or conceptual positions that relate to educational computing. Journal of Technology Education - provides a forum for scholarly discussion on topics relating to technology education. In addition, the Journal publishes book reviews, editorials, guest articles, comprehensive literature reviews, and reactions to previously published articles. Journal of Technology & Teacher Education (JTATEJTATE) - serves as a forum for the exchange of knowledge about the use of information technology in teacher education. Language Learning & Technology (LLTLLT) - a refereed journal for second and foreign language educators. Meridian - electronic journal dedicated to research and practice of computer technology in middle school classrooms. The New Curriculum TNCTNC - designed to provide essential resources to help teachers integrate technology into their classes, including annotated links and a biweekly column or two on practical tech-integration ideas. You will also find columns on issues, such as leadership and school policies, that are important to the successful integration of technology at schools. Teaching English with Technology - journal for teachers of English. Teaching Horizons in Education (THE) Journal - longest running, most widely read education technology publication... TECHNOS - online version of the Agency for Instructional Technology Journal.
( 1 )《教育技术研究和发展》( Educational technology research and development ) 该杂志是美国教育传播和技术协会( AECT )官方出版的正式季刊杂志。
( 2 )《教育技术评论》( Educational Technology Review )(下文中简称为 ETR ) ETR 是由美国计算机教育促进协会( the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education )出版的官方季刊。该期刊在全球拥有 30 , 000 的发行量,是一个讨论信息技术在教育中应用的国际性论坛。
( 3 )《教育技术与社会》( Educational Technology & Society )是美国 IEEE 学习技术任务组( Learning Technology Task Force )出版的季刊杂志,旨在讨论包括人工智能在内的教育系统的发展和应用。
( 4 )《教育技术前沿通讯》( Technological Horizons in Education Journal )是在美国拥有 30 年历史,影响范围最广的教育技术领域的杂志。
( 5 )《教育技术通讯》( Journal of technology education )是弗吉尼亚技术学院和州立大学的在线期刊,为教育技术界的学者提供学术讨论的论坛。
( 6 )《教学科学》( Instructional Science );
( 7 )《国际 E-LEARNING 通讯》( International Journals on E-learning ) ;
( 8 )《技术学习和指导》( Learning and Leading with Technology ) ;
 (9) 《交互学习通讯》( journals on interactive learning )





 1.《教育技术与社会》Educational Technology & Society
2.《C理论多媒体》Ctheory Multimedia

3.《英国教育技术学》British Journal of Educational Technology

4.《教育技术学评论》Educational Technology Review
5.《国际e-Learning杂志》International Journal on e-Learning (IJEL)
6.《数学与自然科学教学中的计算机应用杂志》Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching (JCMST)
7.《交互式学习研究杂志》Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR)
8.《教育多媒体与超媒体杂志》Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH)
9.《技术与教师教育杂志》Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (JTATE)
10.《儿童教育中的信息技术》Information Technology in Childhood Education (ITCE) Annual
11.《技术与教师教育当代问题》Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE)

12.《教学科学——学习与认知国际杂志》Instructional Science ——An International Journal of Learning and Cognition

13.《指导实践的远程教育研究评论季刊》Quarterly Review of Distance Education Research That Guides Practice

15.《教育中的技术基准THE杂志》T.H.E (Technological Horizons in Education) Journal
16.《学院与大学媒体评论——对实践、趋势与研究的展望》College & University Media Review: A Look at Practices, Trends & Research
17.《国际杂志》An International Journal
18.《人-机交互》Human-Computer Interaction
19.《教学媒体国际杂志》International Journal of Instructional Media
20.《互联网与高等教育——后中等教育中的创新评论季刊》The Internet and Higher Education—A Quarterly Review of Innovations in Post-Secondary Education

21.《远程教育杂志》Journal of Distance Education
22.《技术与学习》Technology & Learning
23.《THE杂志》T.H.E Journal


25.《模拟与游戏》Simulation & Gaming
26.《教育中的交互媒体杂志》Journal of Interactive Media in Education

27.《领导与新技术社区在线杂志》The online Journal of the Leadership and the New Technologies Community
28.《学习与基于技术的引领》Learning & Leading with Technology
29.《教育技术学名人录》Who is Who in Instructional Technology
30.《多媒体学校MMS》MultiMedia Schools (MMS)
31.《教育技术学杂志》The Educational Technology Journal

32.《技术与学习在线杂志》Technology and Learning Online

33.《Hands On》Hands On
34.《澳大利亚教育技术学杂志》Australian Journal of Educational Technology
http://www. ascilite.au/ajet/ajet.html
35.《信息、传播与社会》Information, Communication & Society

36.《教育中的人工智能国际杂志》International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education

37.《基于计算机的通信杂志》Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication


38.《技术教育杂志》Journal of Technology Education


39.《Techne:哲学与技术学会杂志》Techne: Journal of the Society for Philosophy and Technology
http://scholar. lib.vt.edu/ejournals/SPT/spt.html
40.《远程教育与传播在线杂志》The Online Chronicle of Distance Education and Communication


41.《设计与技术教育杂志》The Magazine of Design & Technology Education

42.《美国远程教育杂志》The American Journal of Distance Education

43.《远程教育导读》Readings in Distance Education


44.《教育技术与社会》Educational Technology & Society


45.《Elearn杂志》Elearn Magazine

46.《交互在线》Interactions Online
. org/interactions/
47.《非同步学习网络杂志》Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks
48.《网络杂志——互联网技术、应用及其问题》WebNet Journal: Internet Technologies, Applications and Issues
49.《国际教育技术学杂志》International Journal of Educational Technology

50.《爱达荷州立大学教育技术整合电子杂志》Electronic Journal for the Integration of Technology in Education Idaho State University


  1.2 1 世 纪 报 英 语 教 学 网
IJET is a new international refereed journal in the field of educational technology, sponsored by faculty, staff, and students at The Graduate School of Education at the University of Western Australia and the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. IJET is published online twice each year and is available without an access charge.
the American Journal of Distance Education

《澳大利亚教育技术学月刊》Australian Journal of Educational Technology
Electronic Journals in the Field of Education: To the best of our ability to discern, we have included only links to electronic journals that are scholarly, peer-reviewed, full text and accessible without cost. We have excluded professional magazines that are largely not refereed, and commercial journals that may only allow access to a very limited number of articles as an enticement to buy.
6.英国教育技术学杂志(British Journal of Educational Technology )
英国教育技术杂志是在线杂志 英国
Elearning杂志:e-learning is a magazine serving up in-depth articles and expert opinions on essential e-learning content, technology, and services. Useful for users and implementers in the enterprise, government, and higher education sectors.
8.Open Learning

10.Instructional Technology Research Online (InTRO)

11.交互式教育多媒体 Interactive Educational Multimedia
交互式教育多媒体:Interactive Educational Multimedia is a journal intended as a space for dialogue and reflection about the application of the multimedia technologies in education. The publication is interested in articles related to research into the educational aspects of multimedia technologies in all its facets: implementation and design of materials, teaching and learning, experiences, etc.

12.The Journal of Computing in Higher Education
The Journal of Computing in Higher Education

The e-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology (e-JIST) is an International peer-reviewed electronic journal. The Journal is an multi-faceted publication with content likely to be of interest to policy makers, managers, investors, professional staff, technical staff, and academics within education and training.

Educational Technology Review (ETR), originally a print journal, has been transformed into an online publication to not only increase timeliness of content but also to enhance every issue with the current and future electronic resources and tools available on the AACE website.

The Journal of the Learning Sciences:A cognitive science journal providing a multidisciplinary forum for the presentation and discussion of important ideas that can change out understanding of learning and teaching.

16.Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication(JCMC)
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication(JCMC) 基于计算机的传播杂志,以计算机为中介传播杂志
17.Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation
Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation (PARE) is an on-line journal published by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation (ERIC/AE) and the Department of Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation at the University of Maryland, College Park. Its purpose is to provide education professionals access to refereed articles that can have a positive impact on assessment, research, evaluation, and teaching practice, especially at the local education agency (LEA) level.
18.Journal of Educational Technology (JET)
Journal of Educational Technology (JET)

Ronald J. Chenail, Ph.D.主编的(The Qualitative Report )《定性分析报告》是在线刊物

The Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment (JTLA) is a peer-reviewed, scholarly on-line journal. The JTLA was established in response to a growing interest in the intersection of computer-based technology, learning, and assessment. The JTLA provides an interdisciplinary forum where initiatives that combine technology, learning theory, and assessment are shared. The JTLA is housed jointly in the Technology and Assessment Study Collaborative (inTASC) and the Center for the Study of Testing, Evaluation and Educational Policy (CSTEEP) at Boston College.

21.Performance Improvement Quarterly
《绩效促进季刊》Performance Improvement Quarterly

Directory of Open Access Journals

23.在线行为杂志(The Journal of Online Behavior (JOB) )
JOB) is concerned with the empirical study of human behavior in the online environment, and with the impact of evolving communication and information technology upon individuals, groups, organizations, and society. It is a peer-reviewed, behavioral science/social science journal, with editorial board members from several countries and disciplinary affiliations. The journal is published electronically on the World Wide Web, and in printed form. Each article published on the Web will be accompanied by an interactive discussion space, a pointer to which will accompany the article site. Significant comments from discussions may accompany the paper publication.

24.教育技术与社会(Educational Technology & Society)
教育技术与社会杂志有两个杂志,即Journal of International Forum of Educational Technology & Society和IEEE Learning Technology Task Force

25.《远程教育期刊》(Journal of Distance Education)

26.Distance Education

PCWorld is the Web's trusted resource for management-level buyers and users of computer products, reaching an average of 1.5 million unique visitors per month (netScore, January 2002 - June 2002). The site offers quick access to authoritative reviews of computer products, the most current product pricing information, continuously updated news, an extensive library of carefully evaluated freeware and shareware, interactive tools, and free newsletters.


Australian Journal of Educational Technology (AJETAJET) - a refereed academic journal publishing research and review articles in educational technology, instructional design, educational applications of computer technologies, educational telecommunications and related areas. British Journal of Educational Technology (BJETBJET) - provides readers with the widest possible coverage of developments in international educational and training technology. Subscription required. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (CJLTCJLT) - a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal published 3 times annually by AMTECAMTEC. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) - international, peer-reviewed journal which leads the field in its total dedication to all matters associated with the use of computers in language learning (L1 and L2). It provides a forum to discuss the discoveries in the field and to exchange experience and information about existing techniques. Computers & Education - journal discussing the educational aspects of computers. Computers in the Schools - articles emphasize the practical aspect of any application, but also tie theory to practice, relate present accomplishments to past efforts and future trends, identify conclusions and their implications, and discuss the theoretical and philosophical basis for the application. Educational Technology and Society - a quarterly journal which seeks academic articles on the issues affecting the developers of educational systems and educators who implement and manage such systems. Educational Technology Review - publication which is designed to provide a multi-disciplinary forum to present and discuss all aspects of educational technology in all learning environments. From Now On (FNOFNO) - journal on educational technology for engaged learning and literacy. Interactions - termly electronic journal of the Educational Technology Service at the University of Warwick. This web-based publication aims to keep staff informed about teaching and learning technology methods, media, support and innovation going on... Interactive Educational Multimedia - journal intended as a space for dialogue and reflection about the application of the multimedia technologies in education. International Journal of Instructional Media - focuses on quality research and presents articles about ongoing programs in instructional media and education. International Journal of Technology and Design Education - ...encouraging research and development in any aspect of technology and design education... Interpersonal Computing and Technology Journal (IPCT-JIPCT-J) - focus is on computer-mediated communication, and the pedagogical issues surrounding the use of computers and technology in educational settings. Journal of Computing in Higher Education - publishes peer-reviewed essays, reviews, reports, and research articles that contribute to our understanding of the issues, problems, and research associated with instructional technology and educational environments. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education - a refereed journal published quarterly by the Special Interest Group for Teacher Educators (SIGTESIGTE) of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTEISTE). The journal provides a forum for sharing information among departments, schools, and colleges of education that are confronting the issues associated with providing computer and technology education for preservice and inservice teachers. Journal of Educational Computing Research - a refereed journal discussing the use of computer-based technologies at all levels of the formal education system, business and industry, home-schooling, lifelong learning and unintentional learning environments. Journal of Educational Media - aim is to stimulate and represent international and interdisciplinary discussion in the field with a particular focus on research contributing to practice and practical experiences with media in education. Journal of Instructional Science and Technology (JIST) - international peer reviewed journal on instructional technology. Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILRJILR) - publishes papers related to the underlying theory, design, implementation, effectiveness, and impact on education and training of interactive learning environments. Journal of Interactive Media in Education (JIME) - publication discussing interactive media in education. Journal of Research on Technology in Education - publishes articles that report on original research, system or project descriptions and evaluations, syntheses of the literature, assessments of the state of the art, and theoretical or conceptual positions that relate to educational computing. Journal of Technology Education - provides a forum for scholarly discussion on topics relating to technology education. In addition, the Journal publishes book reviews, editorials, guest articles, comprehensive literature reviews, and reactions to previously published articles. Journal of Technology & Teacher Education (JTATEJTATE) - serves as a forum for the exchange of knowledge about the use of information technology in teacher education. Language Learning & Technology (LLTLLT) - a refereed journal for second and foreign language educators. Meridian - electronic journal dedicated to research and practice of computer technology in middle school classrooms. The New Curriculum TNCTNC - designed to provide essential resources to help teachers integrate technology into their classes, including annotated links and a biweekly column or two on practical tech-integration ideas. You will also find columns on issues, such as leadership and school policies, that are important to the successful integration of technology at schools. Teaching English with Technology - journal for teachers of English. Teaching Horizons in Education (THE) Journal - longest running, most widely read education technology publication... TECHNOS - online version of the Agency for Instructional Technology Journal.
( 1 )《教育技术研究和发展》( Educational technology research and development ) 该杂志是美国教育传播和技术协会( AECT )官方出版的正式季刊杂志。
( 2 )《教育技术评论》( Educational Technology Review )(下文中简称为 ETR ) ETR 是由美国计算机教育促进协会( the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education )出版的官方季刊。该期刊在全球拥有 30 , 000 的发行量,是一个讨论信息技术在教育中应用的国际性论坛。
( 3 )《教育技术与社会》( Educational Technology & Society )是美国 IEEE 学习技术任务组( Learning Technology Task Force )出版的季刊杂志,旨在讨论包括人工智能在内的教育系统的发展和应用。
( 4 )《教育技术前沿通讯》( Technological Horizons in Education Journal )是在美国拥有 30 年历史,影响范围最广的教育技术领域的杂志。
( 5 )《教育技术通讯》( Journal of technology education )是弗吉尼亚技术学院和州立大学的在线期刊,为教育技术界的学者提供学术讨论的论坛。
( 6 )《教学科学》( Instructional Science );
( 7 )《国际 E-LEARNING 通讯》( International Journals on E-learning ) ;
( 8 )《技术学习和指导》( Learning and Leading with Technology ) ;
 (9) 《交互学习通讯》( journals on interactive learning )
