Pro LINQ 之—:初识LINQ
LINQ, bridges the gap and strengthens the connection between relational data and the object-oriented world.
—Vidya Vrat Agarwal
《Beginning C# 2008 Database: From Novice to Professional》
这是我在阅读《Pro LINQ in C# 2008》时,在书上所做注释的整理与汇总,同样地是作温故知新所用。
该书全面详尽地讲解了LINQ to Objects、LINQ to XML以及LINQ to SQL的内容,是本不错的书。
P13 OfType与Cast
var names = from name in arraylist.Cast<string> select name; var names = from name in arraylist.OfType<string> select name;
P14 Deferred Query
P23 筛选方法的三种实现方式
// 使用命名方法 int[] result = Common.FilterArrayOfInt(nums, Application.IsOdd); // 使用匿名代理 int[] result = Common.FilterArrayOfInt(nums, delegate(int i){return ((i & 1)==1);}); // 使用lambda表达式 int[] result = Common.FilterArrayOfInt(nums, (i => ((i & 1)==1)));
P24 表达式树
接口IEnumerable<T> 与IQueryable<T>,是LINQ的核心接口。而序列、接口、方法,则是LINQ的三大要素。
IEnumerable<T> 的扩展方法总被直接编译为IL代码,而IQueryable<T>的扩展方法为了保证效率和复用,则被编译为lambda表达式。
// 区别在于两个实现的后半部分 public static IEnumerable<T> Where<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source,Func<T, bool> predicate);public static IQueryable<T> Where<T>(this IQueryable<T> source,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<int, bool>> predicate);
P25 关键字var
var 的出现,第一感觉是简化了代码录入,在声明变量时省去了冗长的类型名。细究后发现,var的主要作用在于声明匿名变量,提供泛类型化的访问支持和构造临时性对象更便捷的途径。特别是在LINQ环境下,LINQ语句返回的Collection,经常是临时性的,只作一时之用的。此时通过var构造的临时性对象便显得尤其重要了。
var unnamedtypeVariable = new {firstArg = 1, secondArg = "Joe"}; Console.WriteLine(unnamedtypeVariable.firstArg,'.', unnamedtypeVariable.secondArg); //---------------------- // 1.Joe
P30 扩展方法
扩展方法的定义:区别于旧有static方法的地方,在于其参数类型为(this + 被扩展的类型名)。其中this是修饰符。下列代码,即是对string类的一个扩展,为其添加了一个转换为double的扩展方法。
public static class StringConversions {public static double ToDouble(this string s){ return Double.Parse(s); } }
// "3.1415926" 是一个string的实例 // ToDouble()是前述StringConversions类的static方法 double pi = "3.1415926".ToDouble();
P34 partial方法
看了半天,感觉就是把方法的实现与方法的声明剥离,类似原来C++的.h与.cpp的关系,把一个类的实现分散到若干个文件里,从而为类的方法提供拆解和替换的捷径。比如选用甲写的某个版本,或者乙的某个版本。关于partial 方法的三个必须:
1. 类必须是partial class
2. 方法必须以partial关键字开始
3. 方法返回类型必须为void
P38 查询表达式的语法图
query-expression: from-clause query-bodyfrom-clause: from typeopt identifier in expression join-clausesoptjoin-clauses: join-clause join-clauses join-clausejoin-clause: join typeopt identifier in expression on expression equals expression join typeopt identifier in expression on expression equals expression into identifierquery-body: from-let-where-clausesopt orderby-clauseopt select-or-group-clause query-continuationoptfrom-let-where-clauses: from-let-where-clause from-let-where-clauses from-let-where-clausefrom-let-where-clause: from-clause let-clause where-clauselet-clause: let identifier = expressionwhere-clause: where boolean-expressionorderby-clause: orderby orderingsorderings: ordering orderings , orderingordering: expression ordering-directionoptordering-direction: ascending descendingselect-or-group-clause: select-clause group-clauseselect-clause: select expressiongroup-clause: group expression by expressionquery-continuation: into identifier join-clausesopt query-body
P41 linq语句的转译
from c in customers group c by c.Country into g select new {Country = g.Key, CustCount = g.Count()}// select Country, count(Coustomerid) from Customers group by Country from c in customers join o in orders on c.customerid equals o.customerid select new {c.contactname, o.orderdate, o.freight}// select c.contactname, o.orderdate, o.freight // from customers as c, orders as o // where c.customerid = o.customerid from c in customers join o in orders on c.customerid equals o.customerid into co select new {c.contactname, summery = co.Sum(o => o.freight)}// 形成1:M的关系,其中1是customers中的一项,M是orders中所有customerid与之相匹配的记录。 // 把 join ... on ... into ...作为一个整体看待,即容易理解了。// select c.contactname, sum(o.freight) as summery // from customers as c, orders as o // group by o.contactname// select c.contactname, // (select sum(o.freight) from orders as o // where c.customerid = o.customerid) as sumerry // from customers as c
Pro LINQ 之二:LINQ to Objects
Pro LINQ 之—:初识LINQ
LINQ, bridges the gap and strengthens the connection between relational data and the object-oriented world.
—Vidya Vrat Agarwal
《Beginning C# 2008 Database: From Novice to Professional》
这是我在阅读《Pro LINQ in C# 2008》时,在书上所做注释的整理与汇总,同样地是作温故知新所用。
该书全面详尽地讲解了LINQ to Objects、LINQ to XML以及LINQ to SQL的内容,是本不错的书。
P13 OfType与Cast
var names = from name in arraylist.Cast<string> select name; var names = from name in arraylist.OfType<string> select name;
P14 Deferred Query
P23 筛选方法的三种实现方式
// 使用命名方法 int[] result = Common.FilterArrayOfInt(nums, Application.IsOdd); // 使用匿名代理 int[] result = Common.FilterArrayOfInt(nums, delegate(int i){return ((i & 1)==1);}); // 使用lambda表达式 int[] result = Common.FilterArrayOfInt(nums, (i => ((i & 1)==1)));
P24 表达式树
接口IEnumerable<T> 与IQueryable<T>,是LINQ的核心接口。而序列、接口、方法,则是LINQ的三大要素。
IEnumerable<T> 的扩展方法总被直接编译为IL代码,而IQueryable<T>的扩展方法为了保证效率和复用,则被编译为lambda表达式。
// 区别在于两个实现的后半部分 public static IEnumerable<T> Where<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source,Func<T, bool> predicate);public static IQueryable<T> Where<T>(this IQueryable<T> source,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<int, bool>> predicate);
P25 关键字var
var 的出现,第一感觉是简化了代码录入,在声明变量时省去了冗长的类型名。细究后发现,var的主要作用在于声明匿名变量,提供泛类型化的访问支持和构造临时性对象更便捷的途径。特别是在LINQ环境下,LINQ语句返回的Collection,经常是临时性的,只作一时之用的。此时通过var构造的临时性对象便显得尤其重要了。
var unnamedtypeVariable = new {firstArg = 1, secondArg = "Joe"}; Console.WriteLine(unnamedtypeVariable.firstArg,'.', unnamedtypeVariable.secondArg); //---------------------- // 1.Joe
P30 扩展方法
扩展方法的定义:区别于旧有static方法的地方,在于其参数类型为(this + 被扩展的类型名)。其中this是修饰符。下列代码,即是对string类的一个扩展,为其添加了一个转换为double的扩展方法。
public static class StringConversions {public static double ToDouble(this string s){ return Double.Parse(s); } }
// "3.1415926" 是一个string的实例 // ToDouble()是前述StringConversions类的static方法 double pi = "3.1415926".ToDouble();
P34 partial方法
看了半天,感觉就是把方法的实现与方法的声明剥离,类似原来C++的.h与.cpp的关系,把一个类的实现分散到若干个文件里,从而为类的方法提供拆解和替换的捷径。比如选用甲写的某个版本,或者乙的某个版本。关于partial 方法的三个必须:
1. 类必须是partial class
2. 方法必须以partial关键字开始
3. 方法返回类型必须为void
P38 查询表达式的语法图
query-expression: from-clause query-bodyfrom-clause: from typeopt identifier in expression join-clausesoptjoin-clauses: join-clause join-clauses join-clausejoin-clause: join typeopt identifier in expression on expression equals expression join typeopt identifier in expression on expression equals expression into identifierquery-body: from-let-where-clausesopt orderby-clauseopt select-or-group-clause query-continuationoptfrom-let-where-clauses: from-let-where-clause from-let-where-clauses from-let-where-clausefrom-let-where-clause: from-clause let-clause where-clauselet-clause: let identifier = expressionwhere-clause: where boolean-expressionorderby-clause: orderby orderingsorderings: ordering orderings , orderingordering: expression ordering-directionoptordering-direction: ascending descendingselect-or-group-clause: select-clause group-clauseselect-clause: select expressiongroup-clause: group expression by expressionquery-continuation: into identifier join-clausesopt query-body
P41 linq语句的转译
from c in customers group c by c.Country into g select new {Country = g.Key, CustCount = g.Count()}// select Country, count(Coustomerid) from Customers group by Country from c in customers join o in orders on c.customerid equals o.customerid select new {c.contactname, o.orderdate, o.freight}// select c.contactname, o.orderdate, o.freight // from customers as c, orders as o // where c.customerid = o.customerid from c in customers join o in orders on c.customerid equals o.customerid into co select new {c.contactname, summery = co.Sum(o => o.freight)}// 形成1:M的关系,其中1是customers中的一项,M是orders中所有customerid与之相匹配的记录。 // 把 join ... on ... into ...作为一个整体看待,即容易理解了。// select c.contactname, sum(o.freight) as summery // from customers as c, orders as o // group by o.contactname// select c.contactname, // (select sum(o.freight) from orders as o // where c.customerid = o.customerid) as sumerry // from customers as c
Pro LINQ 之二:LINQ to Objects