S32K CANFD MailboxFilters Driver(no SDK)
S32K14X_CANFD_MailboxFilters_driver 底层寄存器配置(no SDK)
在汽车领域,随着人们对数据传输带宽要求的增加,传统的CAN总线由于带宽的限制难以满足这种增加的需求。此外为了缩小CAN网络(max. 1MBit/s)与FlexRay(max.10MBit/s)网络的带宽差距,BOSCH公司推出了CANFD 。CANFD(CAN with Flexible Data rate)继承了CAN总线的主要特性。CAN总线采用双线串行通讯协议,基于非破坏性仲裁技术,分布式实时控制,可靠的错误处理和检测机制使CAN总线有很高的安全性,但CAN总线带宽和数据场长度却受到制约。CANFD总线弥补了CAN总线带宽和数据场长度的制约,CANFD总线与CAN总线的区别主要在以下两个方面:
b. 新的数据场长度
CANFD 数据帧在控制场新添加EDL位、BRS位、ESI位,采用了新的DLC编码方式、新的CRC算法(CRC场扩展到21位)。如下图:
EDL位:(Extended Data Length)原CAN数据帧中的保留位r, 该位功能为:
隐性: 表示CANFD 报文 (采用新的DLC编码和CRC算法)
显性: 表示CAN报文
BRS位:( Bit Rate Switch)该位功能为:
ESI(Error State Indicator),该位的功能为:
隐性:表示发送节点处于被动错误状态(Error Passive)
显性:表示发送节点处于主动错误状态(Error Active)
CANFD 数据帧采用了新的新的DLC编码方式,在数据场长度在0-8个字节时,采用线性规则,数据场长度为12-64个字节时,使用非线性编码。如下图:
CANFD初始化步骤与CAN2.0一样,这里就不再详细介绍,可以看上一篇《S32K CAN FIFO driver(no SDK)》文章。
/** ===================================================* Function : FLEXCAN0_init For CANFD * 1. Configure Header phase = 500Kbps bit time, * 2. Configure data phase = 2 MHz bit time * 3. Individual Rx Mask for per mailbox* 4. MB4~MB6 Individual mask receives interrupt * 5. disable frame self reception * 6. Enable CRC fix for ISO CAN FD * Coder : djf* Date/Time : 2020/08/20 * ===================================================*/#define TXMB3 3u
#define TXMB4 4u
#define TXMB5 5u
#define TXMB6 6u#define MSG_BUF_SIZE 18 /* Msg Buffer Size. (2 words hdr + 16 words data = 18 words) */void FLEXCAN0FD_init(void) //CANFD
{ uint32_t i = 0; PCC->PCCn[PCC_FlexCAN0_INDEX] |= PCC_PCCn_CGC_MASK; /* CGC=1: enable clock to FlexCAN0 */CAN0->MCR |= CAN_MCR_SOFTRST_MASK; //Soft ResetCAN0->MCR &= ~CAN_MCR_SOFTRST_MASK;CAN0->MCR |= CAN_MCR_MDIS_MASK; /* MDIS=1: Disable module before selecting clock */CAN0->CTRL1 |= CAN_CTRL1_CLKSRC_MASK; /* CLKSRC=1: Clock Source = BUSCLK (40 MHz) */CAN0->MCR &= ~CAN_MCR_MDIS_MASK; /* MDIS=0; Enable the FlexCAN module. (Sets FRZ, HALT) */ // After the clock source is selected and the module is enabled (MCR[MDIS] bit negated), FlexCAN automatically enters Freeze mode. In Freeze mode// CAN0->MCR |= CAN_MCR_FRZ_MASK; /*(Sets FRZ, HALT) */ while (!((CAN0->MCR & CAN_MCR_FRZACK_MASK) >> CAN_MCR_FRZACK_SHIFT)) {}// Step1: Initialize MCRCAN0->MCR |= CAN_MCR_IRMQ_MASK // a: IRMQ=1, enable the individual filtering per MB and reception queue features | CAN_MCR_WRNEN_MASK // b: WRNEN=1, enable the warning interrupts| CAN_MCR_SRXDIS_MASK // c: SRXDIS=1, disable frame self reception//| CAN_MCR_RFEN_MASK // d: RFEN=1, Enable the Rx FIFO, MBs 0 to 5 cannot be used for normal reception and transmission(they have been uesed for the FIFO engine)//| CAN_MCR_DMA_MASK// e: DMA=1, dont use DMA//f: PNET_EN=0, dont use pretended networking| CAN_MCR_AEN_MASK// g: AEN=1, use Tx Abort mechanism| CAN_MCR_LPRIOEN_MASK // h: PRIOEN=1, Local Priority enabled | CAN_MCR_FDEN_MASK // i: CAN FD is enabled//| CAN_MCR_IDAM(0)// IDAM=0, ID Acceptance Mode=Format A: One full ID (standard and extended) per ID filter table element.| CAN_MCR_MAXMB(32); // MAXMB = 32 */ // Step2: Initialize CTRL1 or CBT// The CAN bit variables in CTRL1 and in CBT are stored in the same register./* Configure nominal phase: 500 KHz bit time, 40 MHz Sclock */ /* Prescaler = CANCLK / Sclock = 40 MHz / 40 MHz = 1 */ CAN0->CBT |= CAN_CBT_BTF_MASK| CAN_CBT_EPRESDIV(1) /* EPRESDIV = Prescaler - 1 = 0 */| CAN_CBT_EPSEG2(15) /* EPSEG2 = 15 */| CAN_CBT_EPSEG1(15) /* EPSEG1 = 15 */| CAN_CBT_EPROPSEG(47) /* EPROPSEG = 47 */| CAN_CBT_ERJW(15); /* ERJW = 15 *//* BITRATEn =Fcanclk /( [(1 + (EPSEG1+1) + (EPSEG2+1) + (EPROPSEG + 1)] x (EPRESDIV+1)) *//* = 40 MHz /( [(1 + ( 15 +1) + ( 15 +1) + ( 46 + 1)] x ( 0 +1)) *//* = 40 MHz /( [1+16+16+47] x 1) = 40 MHz /(80x1) = 500 Kz *//* Configure data phase: 2 MHz bit time, 40 MHz Sclock */ /* Prescaler = CANCLK / Sclock = 40 MHz / 40 MHz = 1 */CAN0->FDCBT |= CAN_FDCBT_FPRESDIV(1) /* FPRESDIV = Prescaler - 1 = 0 */| CAN_CBT_EPSEG2(3) /* FPSEG2 = 3 */ | CAN_CBT_EPSEG1(7) /* FPSEG1 = 7 */ | CAN_CBT_EPROPSEG(7) /* FPROPSEG = 7 */| CAN_CBT_ERJW(3); /* FRJW = 3 *//* BITRATEf =Fcanclk /( [(1 + (FPSEG1+1) + (FPSEG2+1) + (FPROPSEG)] x (FPRESDIV+!)) *//* = 40 MHz /( [(1 + ( 7 +1) + ( 3 +1) + ( 7 )] x ( 0 +1)) *//* = 40 MHz /( [1+8+4+7] x 1) = 40 MHz /(20x1) = 40 MHz / 20 = 2 MHz */ CAN0->CTRL1 |= CAN_CTRL1_PRESDIV(0) // Tq = fcanclk / prediv = 8MHz / 1 = 8MHz| CAN_CTRL1_RJW(3) // RJW: since Phase_Seg2 >=4, RJW+1=4 so RJW=3.| CAN_CTRL1_PSEG1(3) // Phase Segment 1 = PSEG1 + 1| CAN_CTRL1_PSEG2(3) // Phase Segment 2 = PSEG2 + 1| CAN_CTRL1_PROPSEG(6) // Propagation Segment = PROPSEG + 1| CAN_CTRL1_SMP(1) | CAN_CTRL1_LBUF(1); // LBUF=1, Lowest number bufferNum is transmitted first.(MCR[LPRIOEN] + LBUF <= transmit priority)CAN0->FDCTRL = CAN_FDCTRL_FDRATE_MASK /* FDRATE = 1, Bit Rate Switch Enable */|CAN_FDCTRL_MBDSR0(3) /* MBDSR0=3: Region 0 has 64 bytes data in frame's payload */|CAN_FDCTRL_TDCEN_MASK /* TDCEN=1: enable Transceiver Delay Compensation */|CAN_FDCTRL_TDCOFF(5); /* TDCOFF=5: 5 CAN clocks (300us) offset used */ // Step3: Initialize the message buffers // MB & Rx Individual Mask registers are not affected by reset, so they are not initialized automatically. // CAN0: clear 32 message bufferNum x 4 words/msg, buf = 128 words// CAN0 contains 32MBs for(i=0; i<128; i++) //i = Number of Rx FIFO filter elements; Table 53-6. Rx FIFO filter: possible structures{ /* CAN0: clear 32 msg bufs x 4 words/msg buf = 128 words */CAN0->RAMn[i] = 0; /* Clear msg buf word */} // Step4: Initialize RXIMRn(Rx Individual Mask registers)// In FRZ mode, init CAN0 16 individual msg buf filters . there are total 32MBs for CAN0for(i=0; i<16; i++) /*Individual Rx Masking, the mailbox filter and Rx FIFO ID filter table element in distinct ways.*/{ CAN0->RXIMR[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* 1b - The corresponding bit in the filter is checked. 0b-The corresponding bit in the filter is "don't care." */} // 15D40000CAN0->RXMGMASK = 0x1FFFFFFF;//0x1594FFFF; /* When MCR[IRMQ] is negated, RXMGMASK is always in effect (the bits in the MG field will mask the mailbox filter bits).*//* 1b - The corresponding bit in the filter is checked. 0b-The corresponding bit in the filter is "don't care." */CAN0->RX14MASK = 0x1FFFFFFF;CAN0->RX15MASK = 0x1FFFFFFF; /* Message Buffer 4 - receive setup: Individual Mask*/CAN0->RAMn[TXMB4*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 0] = 0xC4000000; /* Msg Buf 4, word 0: Enable for reception *//* EDL=1: Extended Data Length for CAN FD *//* BRS = 1: Bit Rate Switch enabled *//* ESI = 0: Error state *//* CODE=4: MB set to RX inactive *//* IDE=0: Standard ID *//* SRR, RTR, TIME STAMP = 0: not applicable */CAN0->RAMn[TXMB4*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 1] = (0x454 & 0x7FF) << 18; CAN0->RAMn[TXMB5*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 0] = 0xC4000000;CAN0->RAMn[TXMB5*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 1] = (0x575 & 0x7FF) << 18; CAN0->RAMn[TXMB6*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 0] = 0xC4000000;CAN0->RAMn[TXMB6*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 1] = (0x234 & 0x7FF) << 18; // Step5: Set required interrupt mask bits in IMASK registers CTRL1 / CTRL2 registers CAN0->IMASK1 |= 0x78; // Buf 3、4、5、6CAN0->CTRL2 |= CAN_CTRL2_ISOCANFDEN_MASK; /* Enable CRC fix for ISO CAN FD */// Step7: nagate HALT CAN0->MCR &= 0xBFFFFFFF; //disable Freeze mode.CAN0->MCR &= ~CAN_MCR_HALT_MASK; /* Negate HALT bit */ while ((CAN0->MCR & CAN_MCR_FRZACK_MASK) >> CAN_MCR_FRZACK_SHIFT) {}/* Good practice: wait for FRZACK to clear (not in freeze mode) */while ((CAN0->MCR & CAN_MCR_NOTRDY_MASK) >> CAN_MCR_NOTRDY_SHIFT) {}/* Good practice: wait for NOTRDY to clear (module ready) */
/***** CANFD发送函数 *****/
/*****Coder: djf *****/
/*****ID: 报文ID */
/*****IDE: 0 标准帧、1 扩展帧 */
/*****RTR: 0 数据帧、1 远程帧 */
/*****DLC: 报文数据长度(<=15) */
/*****PRIO: 报文发送优先级 0最高 */
/***** *CANFD_Frame: 发送结构体指针 */
/*************************************************************/bool FLEXCAN0FD_TX_Frame(CANFD_FrameStruct *CANFD_Frame)
{#define Buf_TXMB 0u /* MBx for transmitting CAN message //Table 53-6. Rx FIFO filter: possible structures */uint8_t i = 0; uint8_t code = 0;uint8_t bufferNum = 0;//4. Read back the CODE field to check if the transmission was aborted or transmittedcode = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_TXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 0]&CAN_WMBn_CS_CODE_MASK) >> CAN_WMBn_CS_CODE_SHIFT;if(0x80==code) //MB is not active{return (false);}else{}//5. Clear the corresponding interrupt flag.CAN0->IFLAG1 |= (1 << Buf_TXMB); // Clear CAN0 13 flag without clearing other.//6. Write the ID register/*MB word1*/if(!CANFD_Frame->IDE) // Standard frame{CAN0->RAMn[Buf_TXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 1] = (CANFD_Frame->PRIO << 29)|((CANFD_Frame->ID&0x7FF) << 18u); // std id /*MB word1*/ }else // Extended frame{CAN0->RAMn[Buf_TXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 1] = (CANFD_Frame->PRIO << 29)|(CANFD_Frame->ID&0x1FFFFFFF); // Ext id /*MB word1*/ } //7. Write payload Data bytes.if(!CANFD_Frame->RTR) // Data frame { CAN0->RAMn[Buf_TXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 2] = CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_0(CANFD_Frame->pData[0]) /*MB word2*/ | CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_1(CANFD_Frame->pData[1])| CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_2(CANFD_Frame->pData[2])| CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_3(CANFD_Frame->pData[3]); CAN0->RAMn[Buf_TXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 3] = CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_0(CANFD_Frame->pData[4]) /*MB word3*/ | CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_1(CANFD_Frame->pData[5])| CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_2(CANFD_Frame->pData[6])| CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_3(CANFD_Frame->pData[7]);if(8<CANFD_Frame->DLC){ if(13>CANFD_Frame->DLC){bufferNum = CANFD_Frame->DLC - 8;}else{if(13==CANFD_Frame->DLC){bufferNum = 6;}else{bufferNum = 6 + (CANFD_Frame->DLC-13)*4; } }for(i=0; i<bufferNum; i++){CAN0->RAMn[Buf_TXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 4 + i] = CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_0(CANFD_Frame->pData[i*4+8]) | CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_1(CANFD_Frame->pData[i*4+8+1])| CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_2(CANFD_Frame->pData[i*4+8+2])| CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_3(CANFD_Frame->pData[i*4+8+3]);}}else{}}else // Remote frame{}//8. Configure the Control and Status word with the desired configuration CAN0->RAMn[Buf_TXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 0] = ((uint32_t)CANFD_Frame->EDL<<31)|((uint32_t)CANFD_Frame->BRS<<30)|((uint32_t)CANFD_Frame->ESI<<29); /*MB word0*/ CAN0->RAMn[Buf_TXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 0] |= CAN_WMBn_CS_IDE(CANFD_Frame->IDE)| CAN_WMBn_CS_RTR(CANFD_Frame->RTR) | CAN_WMBn_CS_SRR(CANFD_Frame->SRR) | CAN_WMBn_CS_DLC(CANFD_Frame->DLC)| CAN_WMBn_CS_CODE(CANFD_Frame->CODE); return (true);}
/***** CANFD接收函数 *****/
/*****Coder: djf *****/
/*****ID: 报文ID */
/*****IDE: 0 标准帧、1 扩展帧 */
/*****RTR: 0 数据帧、1 远程帧 */
/*****DLC: 报文数据长度(<=15) */
/*****PRIO: 报文发送优先级 0最高 */
/***** *FDrxMsg: 接收结构体指针 */
/*************************************************************/void FLEXCAN0FD_RX_Frame(CANFD_FrameStruct *FDrxMsg)
{uint8_t Buf_RXMB = 5u; /* MB for receiving CAN message*/ uint8_t i = 0;uint8_t bufferNum = 0;if(0<CAN0->IFLAG1){for(i=1; i<32; i++){if(1==((CAN0->IFLAG1>>i)&0x00000001)){Buf_RXMB = i; break; }else{} }}else{} // when received CAN message by FIFO (MB0~5), interrupt flag set by IFLAG5(not IFLAG0~4)if(0<CAN0->IFLAG1){// 1. Read the Control and Status wordFDrxMsg->IDE = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+0] & CAN_WMBn_CS_IDE_MASK) >> CAN_WMBn_CS_IDE_SHIFT;FDrxMsg->RTR = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+0] & CAN_WMBn_CS_RTR_MASK) >> CAN_WMBn_CS_RTR_SHIFT;FDrxMsg->DLC = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+0] & CAN_WMBn_CS_DLC_MASK) >> CAN_WMBn_CS_DLC_SHIFT;FDrxMsg->SRR = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+0] & CAN_WMBn_CS_SRR_MASK) >> CAN_WMBn_CS_SRR_SHIFT;FDrxMsg->CODE = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+0] & CAN_WMBn_CS_CODE_MASK) >> CAN_WMBn_CS_CODE_SHIFT;FDrxMsg->timestamp = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+0] & 0x000FFFF);// 2. Read the ID fieldif(!FDrxMsg->IDE){FDrxMsg->ID = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+1] >> 18) & 0x7FF; // std id}else{FDrxMsg->ID = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+1] & 0x1FFFFFFF); // Ext id}for(i=0; i<64; i++){FDrxMsg->pData[i] = 0; //Clear cache} // 3. Read the data field.if(!FDrxMsg->RTR){ FDrxMsg->pData[0] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+2] >> 24) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[1] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+2] >> 16) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[2] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+2] >> 8) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[3] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+2]) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[4] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+3] >> 24) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[5] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+3] >> 16) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[6] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+3] >> 8) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[7] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+3]) & 0xFF; if(8<FDrxMsg->DLC){if(13>FDrxMsg->DLC){bufferNum = FDrxMsg->DLC - 8;}else{if(13==FDrxMsg->DLC){bufferNum = 6;}else{bufferNum = 6 + (FDrxMsg->DLC-13)*4; } }for(i=0; i<bufferNum; i++){FDrxMsg->pData[i*4+8] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 4 + i] >> 24) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[i*4+8+1] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 4 + i] >> 16) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[i*4+8+2] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 4 + i] >> 8) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[i*4+8+3] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 4 + i]) & 0xFF;} }else{ }}else // Ext id no data{}// 4. Read the RXFIR register(void)CAN0->RXFIR;// 5. Clear the Frames Available in Rx FIFO interrupt by writing one to IFLAG1 // CAN0->IFLAG1 |= 0x20; /* Clear CAN0 MB5 flag*/CAN0->IFLAG1 |= 0xFFFFFFFF;}else{} }
/********************************************************************** 函数原型:void CAN0_ORed_0_15_MB_IRQHandler(void)* 功 能:CAN0中断服务器* 输入参数:无* 返回参数:无** 其他说明:
*********************************************************************/void CAN0_ORed_0_15_MB_IRQHandler(void)
{ FLEXCAN0FD_RX_Frame(&canFDRxMsg);
中断机制:通过邮箱Individual Mask接收缓存MB4~6,当有任意一个buffer成功接收后,会产生相应buffer IFLAG1 bit,上面例程是使用Mailbox filters for Individual Mask,未用Global Mask(使用Global Mask时,MB14、MB15有单独的屏蔽寄存器)。
typedef struct /*发送接收报文结构体*/
{uint8_t EDL; /* EDL=1 CAN FD format frame*/uint8_t BRS; /* BRS=1: Bit rate is switched inside msg */uint8_t ESI;uint8_t CODE; /* CODE=0xC: Activate msg buf to transmit */uint8_t SRR; /* SRR=1 Tx frame (not req'd for std ID) */uint8_t IDE; /* IDE=0: Standard ID */uint8_t RTR; /* RTR = 0: data, not remote tx request frame*/uint8_t DLC;uint8_t PRIO;uint32_t ID;uint8_t pData[64]; uint32_t timestamp;
CANFD_FrameStruct canFDTxMsg, canFDRxMsg;
CANFD初始化配置步骤跟CAN2.0一样,只是配置的寄存器的某些信号位不同,在配置通过邮箱Individual Mask接收时,需要提前把独立屏蔽的ID配置在相应RAM buffer里面。在配置通过邮箱Global Mask时,重点是配置RXMGMASK寄存器的相应过滤的位,大家可以依葫芦画瓢的方式配置Global Mask接收。今天就写到这,以上代码欢迎大家指正。
S32K CANFD MailboxFilters Driver(no SDK)
S32K14X_CANFD_MailboxFilters_driver 底层寄存器配置(no SDK)
在汽车领域,随着人们对数据传输带宽要求的增加,传统的CAN总线由于带宽的限制难以满足这种增加的需求。此外为了缩小CAN网络(max. 1MBit/s)与FlexRay(max.10MBit/s)网络的带宽差距,BOSCH公司推出了CANFD 。CANFD(CAN with Flexible Data rate)继承了CAN总线的主要特性。CAN总线采用双线串行通讯协议,基于非破坏性仲裁技术,分布式实时控制,可靠的错误处理和检测机制使CAN总线有很高的安全性,但CAN总线带宽和数据场长度却受到制约。CANFD总线弥补了CAN总线带宽和数据场长度的制约,CANFD总线与CAN总线的区别主要在以下两个方面:
b. 新的数据场长度
CANFD 数据帧在控制场新添加EDL位、BRS位、ESI位,采用了新的DLC编码方式、新的CRC算法(CRC场扩展到21位)。如下图:
EDL位:(Extended Data Length)原CAN数据帧中的保留位r, 该位功能为:
隐性: 表示CANFD 报文 (采用新的DLC编码和CRC算法)
显性: 表示CAN报文
BRS位:( Bit Rate Switch)该位功能为:
ESI(Error State Indicator),该位的功能为:
隐性:表示发送节点处于被动错误状态(Error Passive)
显性:表示发送节点处于主动错误状态(Error Active)
CANFD 数据帧采用了新的新的DLC编码方式,在数据场长度在0-8个字节时,采用线性规则,数据场长度为12-64个字节时,使用非线性编码。如下图:
CANFD初始化步骤与CAN2.0一样,这里就不再详细介绍,可以看上一篇《S32K CAN FIFO driver(no SDK)》文章。
/** ===================================================* Function : FLEXCAN0_init For CANFD * 1. Configure Header phase = 500Kbps bit time, * 2. Configure data phase = 2 MHz bit time * 3. Individual Rx Mask for per mailbox* 4. MB4~MB6 Individual mask receives interrupt * 5. disable frame self reception * 6. Enable CRC fix for ISO CAN FD * Coder : djf* Date/Time : 2020/08/20 * ===================================================*/#define TXMB3 3u
#define TXMB4 4u
#define TXMB5 5u
#define TXMB6 6u#define MSG_BUF_SIZE 18 /* Msg Buffer Size. (2 words hdr + 16 words data = 18 words) */void FLEXCAN0FD_init(void) //CANFD
{ uint32_t i = 0; PCC->PCCn[PCC_FlexCAN0_INDEX] |= PCC_PCCn_CGC_MASK; /* CGC=1: enable clock to FlexCAN0 */CAN0->MCR |= CAN_MCR_SOFTRST_MASK; //Soft ResetCAN0->MCR &= ~CAN_MCR_SOFTRST_MASK;CAN0->MCR |= CAN_MCR_MDIS_MASK; /* MDIS=1: Disable module before selecting clock */CAN0->CTRL1 |= CAN_CTRL1_CLKSRC_MASK; /* CLKSRC=1: Clock Source = BUSCLK (40 MHz) */CAN0->MCR &= ~CAN_MCR_MDIS_MASK; /* MDIS=0; Enable the FlexCAN module. (Sets FRZ, HALT) */ // After the clock source is selected and the module is enabled (MCR[MDIS] bit negated), FlexCAN automatically enters Freeze mode. In Freeze mode// CAN0->MCR |= CAN_MCR_FRZ_MASK; /*(Sets FRZ, HALT) */ while (!((CAN0->MCR & CAN_MCR_FRZACK_MASK) >> CAN_MCR_FRZACK_SHIFT)) {}// Step1: Initialize MCRCAN0->MCR |= CAN_MCR_IRMQ_MASK // a: IRMQ=1, enable the individual filtering per MB and reception queue features | CAN_MCR_WRNEN_MASK // b: WRNEN=1, enable the warning interrupts| CAN_MCR_SRXDIS_MASK // c: SRXDIS=1, disable frame self reception//| CAN_MCR_RFEN_MASK // d: RFEN=1, Enable the Rx FIFO, MBs 0 to 5 cannot be used for normal reception and transmission(they have been uesed for the FIFO engine)//| CAN_MCR_DMA_MASK// e: DMA=1, dont use DMA//f: PNET_EN=0, dont use pretended networking| CAN_MCR_AEN_MASK// g: AEN=1, use Tx Abort mechanism| CAN_MCR_LPRIOEN_MASK // h: PRIOEN=1, Local Priority enabled | CAN_MCR_FDEN_MASK // i: CAN FD is enabled//| CAN_MCR_IDAM(0)// IDAM=0, ID Acceptance Mode=Format A: One full ID (standard and extended) per ID filter table element.| CAN_MCR_MAXMB(32); // MAXMB = 32 */ // Step2: Initialize CTRL1 or CBT// The CAN bit variables in CTRL1 and in CBT are stored in the same register./* Configure nominal phase: 500 KHz bit time, 40 MHz Sclock */ /* Prescaler = CANCLK / Sclock = 40 MHz / 40 MHz = 1 */ CAN0->CBT |= CAN_CBT_BTF_MASK| CAN_CBT_EPRESDIV(1) /* EPRESDIV = Prescaler - 1 = 0 */| CAN_CBT_EPSEG2(15) /* EPSEG2 = 15 */| CAN_CBT_EPSEG1(15) /* EPSEG1 = 15 */| CAN_CBT_EPROPSEG(47) /* EPROPSEG = 47 */| CAN_CBT_ERJW(15); /* ERJW = 15 *//* BITRATEn =Fcanclk /( [(1 + (EPSEG1+1) + (EPSEG2+1) + (EPROPSEG + 1)] x (EPRESDIV+1)) *//* = 40 MHz /( [(1 + ( 15 +1) + ( 15 +1) + ( 46 + 1)] x ( 0 +1)) *//* = 40 MHz /( [1+16+16+47] x 1) = 40 MHz /(80x1) = 500 Kz *//* Configure data phase: 2 MHz bit time, 40 MHz Sclock */ /* Prescaler = CANCLK / Sclock = 40 MHz / 40 MHz = 1 */CAN0->FDCBT |= CAN_FDCBT_FPRESDIV(1) /* FPRESDIV = Prescaler - 1 = 0 */| CAN_CBT_EPSEG2(3) /* FPSEG2 = 3 */ | CAN_CBT_EPSEG1(7) /* FPSEG1 = 7 */ | CAN_CBT_EPROPSEG(7) /* FPROPSEG = 7 */| CAN_CBT_ERJW(3); /* FRJW = 3 *//* BITRATEf =Fcanclk /( [(1 + (FPSEG1+1) + (FPSEG2+1) + (FPROPSEG)] x (FPRESDIV+!)) *//* = 40 MHz /( [(1 + ( 7 +1) + ( 3 +1) + ( 7 )] x ( 0 +1)) *//* = 40 MHz /( [1+8+4+7] x 1) = 40 MHz /(20x1) = 40 MHz / 20 = 2 MHz */ CAN0->CTRL1 |= CAN_CTRL1_PRESDIV(0) // Tq = fcanclk / prediv = 8MHz / 1 = 8MHz| CAN_CTRL1_RJW(3) // RJW: since Phase_Seg2 >=4, RJW+1=4 so RJW=3.| CAN_CTRL1_PSEG1(3) // Phase Segment 1 = PSEG1 + 1| CAN_CTRL1_PSEG2(3) // Phase Segment 2 = PSEG2 + 1| CAN_CTRL1_PROPSEG(6) // Propagation Segment = PROPSEG + 1| CAN_CTRL1_SMP(1) | CAN_CTRL1_LBUF(1); // LBUF=1, Lowest number bufferNum is transmitted first.(MCR[LPRIOEN] + LBUF <= transmit priority)CAN0->FDCTRL = CAN_FDCTRL_FDRATE_MASK /* FDRATE = 1, Bit Rate Switch Enable */|CAN_FDCTRL_MBDSR0(3) /* MBDSR0=3: Region 0 has 64 bytes data in frame's payload */|CAN_FDCTRL_TDCEN_MASK /* TDCEN=1: enable Transceiver Delay Compensation */|CAN_FDCTRL_TDCOFF(5); /* TDCOFF=5: 5 CAN clocks (300us) offset used */ // Step3: Initialize the message buffers // MB & Rx Individual Mask registers are not affected by reset, so they are not initialized automatically. // CAN0: clear 32 message bufferNum x 4 words/msg, buf = 128 words// CAN0 contains 32MBs for(i=0; i<128; i++) //i = Number of Rx FIFO filter elements; Table 53-6. Rx FIFO filter: possible structures{ /* CAN0: clear 32 msg bufs x 4 words/msg buf = 128 words */CAN0->RAMn[i] = 0; /* Clear msg buf word */} // Step4: Initialize RXIMRn(Rx Individual Mask registers)// In FRZ mode, init CAN0 16 individual msg buf filters . there are total 32MBs for CAN0for(i=0; i<16; i++) /*Individual Rx Masking, the mailbox filter and Rx FIFO ID filter table element in distinct ways.*/{ CAN0->RXIMR[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* 1b - The corresponding bit in the filter is checked. 0b-The corresponding bit in the filter is "don't care." */} // 15D40000CAN0->RXMGMASK = 0x1FFFFFFF;//0x1594FFFF; /* When MCR[IRMQ] is negated, RXMGMASK is always in effect (the bits in the MG field will mask the mailbox filter bits).*//* 1b - The corresponding bit in the filter is checked. 0b-The corresponding bit in the filter is "don't care." */CAN0->RX14MASK = 0x1FFFFFFF;CAN0->RX15MASK = 0x1FFFFFFF; /* Message Buffer 4 - receive setup: Individual Mask*/CAN0->RAMn[TXMB4*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 0] = 0xC4000000; /* Msg Buf 4, word 0: Enable for reception *//* EDL=1: Extended Data Length for CAN FD *//* BRS = 1: Bit Rate Switch enabled *//* ESI = 0: Error state *//* CODE=4: MB set to RX inactive *//* IDE=0: Standard ID *//* SRR, RTR, TIME STAMP = 0: not applicable */CAN0->RAMn[TXMB4*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 1] = (0x454 & 0x7FF) << 18; CAN0->RAMn[TXMB5*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 0] = 0xC4000000;CAN0->RAMn[TXMB5*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 1] = (0x575 & 0x7FF) << 18; CAN0->RAMn[TXMB6*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 0] = 0xC4000000;CAN0->RAMn[TXMB6*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 1] = (0x234 & 0x7FF) << 18; // Step5: Set required interrupt mask bits in IMASK registers CTRL1 / CTRL2 registers CAN0->IMASK1 |= 0x78; // Buf 3、4、5、6CAN0->CTRL2 |= CAN_CTRL2_ISOCANFDEN_MASK; /* Enable CRC fix for ISO CAN FD */// Step7: nagate HALT CAN0->MCR &= 0xBFFFFFFF; //disable Freeze mode.CAN0->MCR &= ~CAN_MCR_HALT_MASK; /* Negate HALT bit */ while ((CAN0->MCR & CAN_MCR_FRZACK_MASK) >> CAN_MCR_FRZACK_SHIFT) {}/* Good practice: wait for FRZACK to clear (not in freeze mode) */while ((CAN0->MCR & CAN_MCR_NOTRDY_MASK) >> CAN_MCR_NOTRDY_SHIFT) {}/* Good practice: wait for NOTRDY to clear (module ready) */
/***** CANFD发送函数 *****/
/*****Coder: djf *****/
/*****ID: 报文ID */
/*****IDE: 0 标准帧、1 扩展帧 */
/*****RTR: 0 数据帧、1 远程帧 */
/*****DLC: 报文数据长度(<=15) */
/*****PRIO: 报文发送优先级 0最高 */
/***** *CANFD_Frame: 发送结构体指针 */
/*************************************************************/bool FLEXCAN0FD_TX_Frame(CANFD_FrameStruct *CANFD_Frame)
{#define Buf_TXMB 0u /* MBx for transmitting CAN message //Table 53-6. Rx FIFO filter: possible structures */uint8_t i = 0; uint8_t code = 0;uint8_t bufferNum = 0;//4. Read back the CODE field to check if the transmission was aborted or transmittedcode = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_TXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 0]&CAN_WMBn_CS_CODE_MASK) >> CAN_WMBn_CS_CODE_SHIFT;if(0x80==code) //MB is not active{return (false);}else{}//5. Clear the corresponding interrupt flag.CAN0->IFLAG1 |= (1 << Buf_TXMB); // Clear CAN0 13 flag without clearing other.//6. Write the ID register/*MB word1*/if(!CANFD_Frame->IDE) // Standard frame{CAN0->RAMn[Buf_TXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 1] = (CANFD_Frame->PRIO << 29)|((CANFD_Frame->ID&0x7FF) << 18u); // std id /*MB word1*/ }else // Extended frame{CAN0->RAMn[Buf_TXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 1] = (CANFD_Frame->PRIO << 29)|(CANFD_Frame->ID&0x1FFFFFFF); // Ext id /*MB word1*/ } //7. Write payload Data bytes.if(!CANFD_Frame->RTR) // Data frame { CAN0->RAMn[Buf_TXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 2] = CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_0(CANFD_Frame->pData[0]) /*MB word2*/ | CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_1(CANFD_Frame->pData[1])| CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_2(CANFD_Frame->pData[2])| CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_3(CANFD_Frame->pData[3]); CAN0->RAMn[Buf_TXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 3] = CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_0(CANFD_Frame->pData[4]) /*MB word3*/ | CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_1(CANFD_Frame->pData[5])| CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_2(CANFD_Frame->pData[6])| CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_3(CANFD_Frame->pData[7]);if(8<CANFD_Frame->DLC){ if(13>CANFD_Frame->DLC){bufferNum = CANFD_Frame->DLC - 8;}else{if(13==CANFD_Frame->DLC){bufferNum = 6;}else{bufferNum = 6 + (CANFD_Frame->DLC-13)*4; } }for(i=0; i<bufferNum; i++){CAN0->RAMn[Buf_TXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 4 + i] = CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_0(CANFD_Frame->pData[i*4+8]) | CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_1(CANFD_Frame->pData[i*4+8+1])| CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_2(CANFD_Frame->pData[i*4+8+2])| CAN_RAMn_DATA_BYTE_3(CANFD_Frame->pData[i*4+8+3]);}}else{}}else // Remote frame{}//8. Configure the Control and Status word with the desired configuration CAN0->RAMn[Buf_TXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 0] = ((uint32_t)CANFD_Frame->EDL<<31)|((uint32_t)CANFD_Frame->BRS<<30)|((uint32_t)CANFD_Frame->ESI<<29); /*MB word0*/ CAN0->RAMn[Buf_TXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 0] |= CAN_WMBn_CS_IDE(CANFD_Frame->IDE)| CAN_WMBn_CS_RTR(CANFD_Frame->RTR) | CAN_WMBn_CS_SRR(CANFD_Frame->SRR) | CAN_WMBn_CS_DLC(CANFD_Frame->DLC)| CAN_WMBn_CS_CODE(CANFD_Frame->CODE); return (true);}
/***** CANFD接收函数 *****/
/*****Coder: djf *****/
/*****ID: 报文ID */
/*****IDE: 0 标准帧、1 扩展帧 */
/*****RTR: 0 数据帧、1 远程帧 */
/*****DLC: 报文数据长度(<=15) */
/*****PRIO: 报文发送优先级 0最高 */
/***** *FDrxMsg: 接收结构体指针 */
/*************************************************************/void FLEXCAN0FD_RX_Frame(CANFD_FrameStruct *FDrxMsg)
{uint8_t Buf_RXMB = 5u; /* MB for receiving CAN message*/ uint8_t i = 0;uint8_t bufferNum = 0;if(0<CAN0->IFLAG1){for(i=1; i<32; i++){if(1==((CAN0->IFLAG1>>i)&0x00000001)){Buf_RXMB = i; break; }else{} }}else{} // when received CAN message by FIFO (MB0~5), interrupt flag set by IFLAG5(not IFLAG0~4)if(0<CAN0->IFLAG1){// 1. Read the Control and Status wordFDrxMsg->IDE = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+0] & CAN_WMBn_CS_IDE_MASK) >> CAN_WMBn_CS_IDE_SHIFT;FDrxMsg->RTR = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+0] & CAN_WMBn_CS_RTR_MASK) >> CAN_WMBn_CS_RTR_SHIFT;FDrxMsg->DLC = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+0] & CAN_WMBn_CS_DLC_MASK) >> CAN_WMBn_CS_DLC_SHIFT;FDrxMsg->SRR = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+0] & CAN_WMBn_CS_SRR_MASK) >> CAN_WMBn_CS_SRR_SHIFT;FDrxMsg->CODE = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+0] & CAN_WMBn_CS_CODE_MASK) >> CAN_WMBn_CS_CODE_SHIFT;FDrxMsg->timestamp = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+0] & 0x000FFFF);// 2. Read the ID fieldif(!FDrxMsg->IDE){FDrxMsg->ID = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+1] >> 18) & 0x7FF; // std id}else{FDrxMsg->ID = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+1] & 0x1FFFFFFF); // Ext id}for(i=0; i<64; i++){FDrxMsg->pData[i] = 0; //Clear cache} // 3. Read the data field.if(!FDrxMsg->RTR){ FDrxMsg->pData[0] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+2] >> 24) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[1] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+2] >> 16) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[2] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+2] >> 8) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[3] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+2]) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[4] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+3] >> 24) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[5] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+3] >> 16) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[6] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+3] >> 8) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[7] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE+3]) & 0xFF; if(8<FDrxMsg->DLC){if(13>FDrxMsg->DLC){bufferNum = FDrxMsg->DLC - 8;}else{if(13==FDrxMsg->DLC){bufferNum = 6;}else{bufferNum = 6 + (FDrxMsg->DLC-13)*4; } }for(i=0; i<bufferNum; i++){FDrxMsg->pData[i*4+8] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 4 + i] >> 24) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[i*4+8+1] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 4 + i] >> 16) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[i*4+8+2] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 4 + i] >> 8) & 0xFF;FDrxMsg->pData[i*4+8+3] = (CAN0->RAMn[Buf_RXMB*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 4 + i]) & 0xFF;} }else{ }}else // Ext id no data{}// 4. Read the RXFIR register(void)CAN0->RXFIR;// 5. Clear the Frames Available in Rx FIFO interrupt by writing one to IFLAG1 // CAN0->IFLAG1 |= 0x20; /* Clear CAN0 MB5 flag*/CAN0->IFLAG1 |= 0xFFFFFFFF;}else{} }
/********************************************************************** 函数原型:void CAN0_ORed_0_15_MB_IRQHandler(void)* 功 能:CAN0中断服务器* 输入参数:无* 返回参数:无** 其他说明:
*********************************************************************/void CAN0_ORed_0_15_MB_IRQHandler(void)
{ FLEXCAN0FD_RX_Frame(&canFDRxMsg);
中断机制:通过邮箱Individual Mask接收缓存MB4~6,当有任意一个buffer成功接收后,会产生相应buffer IFLAG1 bit,上面例程是使用Mailbox filters for Individual Mask,未用Global Mask(使用Global Mask时,MB14、MB15有单独的屏蔽寄存器)。
typedef struct /*发送接收报文结构体*/
{uint8_t EDL; /* EDL=1 CAN FD format frame*/uint8_t BRS; /* BRS=1: Bit rate is switched inside msg */uint8_t ESI;uint8_t CODE; /* CODE=0xC: Activate msg buf to transmit */uint8_t SRR; /* SRR=1 Tx frame (not req'd for std ID) */uint8_t IDE; /* IDE=0: Standard ID */uint8_t RTR; /* RTR = 0: data, not remote tx request frame*/uint8_t DLC;uint8_t PRIO;uint32_t ID;uint8_t pData[64]; uint32_t timestamp;
CANFD_FrameStruct canFDTxMsg, canFDRxMsg;
CANFD初始化配置步骤跟CAN2.0一样,只是配置的寄存器的某些信号位不同,在配置通过邮箱Individual Mask接收时,需要提前把独立屏蔽的ID配置在相应RAM buffer里面。在配置通过邮箱Global Mask时,重点是配置RXMGMASK寄存器的相应过滤的位,大家可以依葫芦画瓢的方式配置Global Mask接收。今天就写到这,以上代码欢迎大家指正。